On Friday, Andrew Rosindell M.P. visited Queen's Hospital and was toured around the A&E Department where the care was "excellent."
“I’ve been really pleased to visit the hospital today where I met some of the key people who keep the hospital running.
“Queen’s is clearly doing a great job but the capacity isn’t keeping up with the numbers of the population.
“The facilities need to be improved, there needs to be more resources and that’s why I’m going to work with the Trust to persuade the Government to fund a new dynamic way of accessing A&E services here.
“Clearly a new A&E facility here will not only be good value for money but increase efficiency, better patient care and faster.”
Queen's Hospital was opened to the public in 2006, amalgamating nearby hospitals, to accommodate around 300 patients a day.
However, now over double the number of patients are seeking medical assistance per day.
Andrew came out in support for a redesigned department in order to provide a better working environment and an opportunity to reduce overcrowding.
The Chief Executive of Queen's Hospital backs these plans stating:
It’s important that our local MPs see at first-hand the difficult conditions in which some of their constituents are receiving care.
Our staff are doing an incredible job but there are still too many patients being cared for in corridors, which is a poor experience for patients and staff.
“A redesigned department will help us put an end to corridor care.