This evening, Andrew Rosindell M.P. was invited to Mecca Bingo at the Mercury Mall.
It was an opportunity to meet people from across Romford and Hornchurch and to see the good work those at Mecca do.
Andrew said the following on social media:
What a brilliant evening at @MeccaBingo Romford @themercurymall Mercuy Mall! I had great fun calling out the numbers and meeting constituents who are regular Bingo goers and enjoy this great British passtime! Thank you to Victor Odulate and his staff for such a warm welcome and congratulations for raising so much money for local charities and making a point of welcoming older folk who benefit from meeting others in a safe and happy environment. As Romford's MP, I am always pleased to support local businesses and back our town as a commercial and entertainment centre, here in Eseex!