Romfrd had a lucky escape
"Do you remember, only six months ago, when Labour made so many promises to the people of Britain? They promised no tax increases on working people, but have wacked up National Insurance, hitting peoples’ pay packets and harming small businesses. They promised to protect pensioners, yet Labour have done away with the Winter Fuel Payments. They promised to defend national security, yet they are scrapping Royal Naval vessels and attempting to give away British territory, risking a hostile power like China moving in. Labour also promised to tackle illegal immigration, but the boats keep coming, bringing more and more illegal migrants into Britain. I would like to strike an optimistic tone as we enter the new year, but if Labour’s first six months are anything to go by, there is little for British people to look forward to with the socialists in charge. I suspect that in 2025 we will see still higher levels of immigration, a stagnant economy, declining living standards, whilst being unable to defend our national interests in the world, as Keir Starmer tries to quietly take Britain back under E.U. control. This is the warning I gave on the doorsteps in Romford last year. I warned how bad Labour would be. I was wrong. They are much, much worse than I could have ever imagined! What a lucky escape Romford had in not getting stuck with a Labour M.P. Imagine if the Khan supporting Labour candidate from Barking & Dagenham, was today voting in the House of Commons on behalf of the people of Romford, blindly backing Labour’s catastrophic polices, all the woke craziness and the extreme net zero agenda that will make Britain cold and poor. Romford would have had no voice to defend our town and the interests of local people. As Romford’s M.P., I will always stand up for my Essex home-town and put our beloved country first, every time! So, at the next General Election, we must do whatever it takes to kick out this damaging left-wing regime and restore a right-of-centre government with a patriotic conservative and reformist agenda to make Britain stronger and safer; protect our borders and sovereignty; rebuild our public services; get our economy back on its feet; and protect our great British way of life. Whilst I am your representative in the British Parliament, Romford’s voice will always be heard loud and clear!"