Prime Ministers Questions

Prime Minister's Questions (P.M.Q.s) Tickets

It is a long-established tradition of Parliament that Ministers of the Crown answer questions from Members of Parliament. In the 1880s, fixed time slots for Questions sessions were introduced, and over time, sessions for Questions to the Prime Minister have changed day and time, settling on the current format in 1997.

Today, every sitting week on a Wednesday between 12p.m. and 12.30p.m., the Prime Minister answers questions from Members of Parliament in the House of Commons, and the public are able to attend. P.M.Q.s is the best-known part of the Parliamentary week, and forms an important part of British political culture. Prime Ministers are expected to be informed on all the important political issues of the day, and give full and detailed answers to questions on all sorts of subjects. It is often both praised and criticised for its boisterous energy, but remains popular with television audiences, while tickets to watch in the Gallery are among the most sought-after Parliamentary gallery tickets.

I can secure public gallery tickets for constituents interested in observing any parliamentary debates, including Prime Ministers Questions. Although, it's important to note that M.P.'s have a restricted allocation of Prime Minister's Questions (P.M.Q.) tickets (limited to four per M.P. per month) due to its popularity. If your preference is specifically P.M.Q.s and not another debate, be prepared for a potential extended wait. Alternatively, individuals desiring to attend P.M.Q.s can join the public queue, but there is no assurance of gaining access through this method.

If you wish to apply for Prime Ministers Questions tickets, please fill in the below form.

PMQ Ballot

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