Q: (Andrew Rosindell) To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what steps his Department is taking to secure continued tariff-free market access for the Falkland Islands fisheries exports.
A: (Wendy Morton, Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office) The Government always represents the interests of the Falkland Islands robustly, particularly in relation to supporting the Islands' exports to the EU and elsewhere. The Government is confident that a viable and profitable trading relationship between the Falkland Islands and the EU will continue after the transition period.
Q: (Andrew Rosindell) To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, with reference to the document entitled Analysis of the health, economic and social effects of COVID-19 and the approach to tiering, published by the Government on 30 November, what assessment the Government made in preparing that report of whether deaths recorded as with COVID might have been the consequence of other conditions or ailments.
A: (Helen Whately, Minister of State for the Department of Health and Social Care) Our report ‘Analysis of the health, economic and social effects of COVID-19 and the approach to tiering’ makes extensive use of the Office for National Statistics (ONS) deaths data. The ONS reports on registered deaths where COVID-19 is mentioned on the death certificate.
The ONS has reported that in 91.8% of cases in England where COVID-19 was mentioned on the death certificate, it was found to be the underlying cause of death.
Full details are available in the ONS publication linked below:
Q: (Andrew Rosindell) To ask the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, what assessment he has made of the effect on single parents who care for adult disabled children of the restriction on support bubbles to households of one adult during the November 2020 covid-19 lockdown.
A: (Helen Whately, Minister of State for the Department of Health and Social Care) The Government knows that social distancing restrictions are difficult for everyone, especially those with caring responsibilities. We have tried to reduce the impact of restrictions so that carers, including those with adult children with disabilities, continue to receive support during this time. From 2 December, if someone is the only adult in their household who does not need continuous care as a result of a disability, they can form a support bubble with another household of any size.
Q: (Andrew Rosindell) To ask the Attorney General, whether she has had discussions with Cabinet colleagues on the legal basis to extending the scope of the public consultation for an online advertising ban of foods high in fat, salt or sugar to communication and marketing restrictions to brands’ and companies’ own websites and social media channels.
A: (Michael Ellis, Solicitor-General) This policy is led by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC).
The Law Officers regularly meet ministerial colleagues to discuss important issues of common interest.
However, it is a fundamental and longstanding principle of our system of government that the fact that the Law Officers have advised (or not advised) and the content of any such advice is, by convention, not disclosed outside Government, without their consent.
Q: (Andrew Rosindell) To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, what recent discussions he has had with the UK snowsports industry on the rights of UK instructors to teach in the EU after the transition period.
A: (Paul Scully, Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) Under the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement, British snow sports instructors who have had their qualifications recognised and who are resident or a frontier worker in the EU Member State that recognised them at the end of the Transition Period, will have that recognition protected and will be able to continue to work there. The recognition of UK professional qualifications across all industries (including snow sports instructors) in the EU after the end of the Transition Period is subject to ongoing negotiations with the EU, and the local laws and regulations in Member States.
The Government is in regular contact with a range of stakeholders to ensure regulatory and professional bodies, and those working in regulated professions, make the necessary preparations ahead of the end of the Transition Period. This includes engagement with the British Association of Snowsport Instructors.
Q: (Andrew Rosindell) To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs, what discussions he has had with his Azerbaijani counterpart on reported human rights abuses against Armenian prisoners of war being held as a result of the recent conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh.
A: (Helen Whately, Minister of State for the Department of Health and Social Care) We are deeply concerned of accusations from both sides that human rights abuses were and are being committed as a result of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and continue to urge de-escalation. On 13 November I urged the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister to ensure any such accusations were the subject of thorough investigation. An investigation is currently underway and we continue to monitor the situation.
Q: (Andrew Rosindell) To ask the Secretary of State for Transport, what discussions he has had with Transport for London on the (a) recent decision to reduce expenditure on asset management in the next financial year and (b) implications of that decision for urgent road network upgrades and road safety in London.
A: (Rachel Maclean, Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Department for Transport) As transport in London is devolved, it is for the Mayor and TfL to assess the merits of capital projects including asset management expenditure and any implications for road safety. As part of the recent Emergency Funding Agreement with Government, by 11 January 2021 TfL will produce a single, comprehensive management plan with options as to how a trajectory to financial sustainability by 2023 can be achieved, including their contribution to capital projects within London.